Otávio’s blog

Week 2024-35

I usually take my weekly notes in my Field Notes and then compile them into a post at the end of the week. However, I didn't have time (or the mental energy) this weekend to stop and write, so some of the events will appear in next week's post.

On Tuesday, we took tinyScientist to the doctor for his regular appointments, and everything was great. But on Friday morning (around 6:00 a.m.), he had a mild fever, and we decided to keep him at home instead of taking him to kindergarten.

During the day on Friday, his temperature fluctuated. It would go up, we'd give him medication, it would go down, and then repeat.

On Saturday morning, we took him to the hospital, and since then, he hasn't had a fever. In fact, he's doing exceptionally well—eating, drinking, and playing as usual.

The doctor recommended a COVID test since the numbers are quite high right now, so that's what we did. The three of us tested positive for COVID.

But again, tinyScientist is doing great. It was a busy Sunday at home; he seems normal and hasn't had a fever since.

However, scientist and I are experiencing some symptoms—different ones. For me, it feels like rhinitis (with fever), while my wife is experiencing body aches (but no fever).

It feels strange to write about COVID years after the pandemic began, but the truth is, the pandemic is still ongoing. I still commute to work wearing masks and continue to wear them in crowded places. However, there are variables and conditions we can't control.

This is the first time we've contracted it; we managed to navigate this far without getting infected, but it finally happened. I'm thankful for the scientists, vaccines, and boosters—they're definitely making a difference.
