Otávio’s blog

Week 2024-34

It was a busy week, without much to highlight.

We renewed Netflix to watch some shows that have new seasons since we canceled the subscription. We watched the third season of Lupin, which is a show I really like. It's fun, well-paced, features great performances, and it's in French!

My Twenty Thousand Hertz yearly subscription was about to renew, so I decided to cancel it via the website and renewed it through Apple Podcasts.

Last year, when I was putting together the list of subscriptions in December 2023, I mentioned that I would like to support 99% Invisible if it became possible. It turns out it's possible now via Apple Podcasts as well, so I did it.

99% Invisible is part of the SiriusXM Podcast channel, and the subscription gives access to all other SiriusXM podcasts. While browsing the SiriusXM catalog, I learned about SmartLess and am now completely addicted. I listened to 10 interviews this week! Currently, I'm listening to the 3 Presidents episode, where they talk to President Biden and Former Presidents Obama and Clinton 🇺🇸. Highly recommend.
